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a web which publishes regular informations, etc related to a particular business inizia ad imparare
a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail or communicating commercial messages inizia ad imparare
using webs like fb as marketing tools inizia ad imparare
advertising product on large, outdoor posters inizia ad imparare
an internet adv model in which advertisers pay only when sbd clicks on their ad inizia ad imparare
pay-per-click advertising
getting internet users to market a product on their own by telling their friends inizia ad imparare
trying to sell to somebody on the phone who is not expecting contact from you inizia ad imparare
using special strategies to get high-ranking position in search engines inizia ad imparare
search engine optimization (SEO)
recommendations by satisfied customers to potential customers inizia ad imparare
obnoxious marketing, unepected/unwanted one inizia ad imparare
the blending of different distribution and promotional channels inizia ad imparare
a technique based on client relationships and customer loyalty inizia ad imparare
CRM - customer relationship marketing
polecenia firmy od klienta do klienta inizia ad imparare
directing marketing acticvities towards inizia ad imparare
keep customers to come back inizia ad imparare
the segment of the market that a company is focusing on inizia ad imparare
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generowanie zainteresowania, nowych klientów inizia ad imparare
zwiększyć widoczność firmy inizia ad imparare
wskaźnik rentowności stosowany w celu zmierzenia efektywności działania przedsiębiorstwa inizia ad imparare
ROI - return of investment
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oferta ograniczona czasowo inizia ad imparare
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przypominanie o sobie, update inizia ad imparare
newsletter, blog. Nie spam. inizia ad imparare
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faza wdrażania, the first stage in the product life cycle inizia ad imparare
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product, price, placement, promotion
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people/participants, processes, physical evidence (the appearance of your business)
when a customer pays the same fee each month inizia ad imparare
to sell a group of products as a package inizia ad imparare
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a marketing strategy used by businesses to attract customers to a new product or service by offering a lower price during its initial offering. inizia ad imparare
penetration pricing strategy
enchanced features or services that you have to pay more for inizia ad imparare
termin używany w marketingu na określenie zestawu kolejnych reakcji klienta wobec produktu inizia ad imparare
model AIDA - attenction, interest, desire, action
strategy by which a firm charges the highest initial price that customers will pay and then lowers it over time. inizia ad imparare
the pricing of products that have both a “core product” and a number of “accessory products.” inizia ad imparare