Marek 21st Feb (45 min)

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obszar / powierzchnia (Marek, zwróć uwagę na wymowę)
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to come - came - come
What time did you come back home?
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She lives in the mountains.
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We had three meals a day.
kuchnia jako sposób gotowania
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My favourite cuisine is Italian.
sos (wymowa tak, jak po polsku)
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MIAŁ wiele pytań.
On ma wiele pytań.
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He HAD a lot of questions.
He HAS a lot of questions.
Oni nie mają żadnych pytań.
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They don't have any questions.
Ona nie ma żadnych pytań.
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She doesn't have any questions.
grypa żołądkowa
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a stomach bug
jeden po drugim
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one after another
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to have - had - had
100% (wymowa!)
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Jestem w 100% pewien.
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I'm 100% sure.
Don't say: I'm 100% FOR sure.
Jesteś pewny?
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Are you sure?
Are you 100% sure?
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I'll call you later.
Skończyła szkołę o 15:00.
Ona kończy szkołę o 2:30.
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She finished school at 3:00.
She finishes school at 2:30.
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I often eat porridge for breakfast.
Ona jest taka pracowita/sumienna.
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She's so diligent.
Ona jest rannym ptaszkiem.
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She's an early bird.
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an owl
nocny marek
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a night owl
My wife is a night owl.
zachorować - zachorować - zachorować
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to get sick - got sick - got sick
Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia.
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Get well soon.

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