Marcin 8th Dec (45 min)

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Uważam to za interesujące.
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I find it interesting.
8 grudnia
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the 8th of December
to jest za moim domem
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it's behind my house
Posadziłem wiele drzew.
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I planted many trees.
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an accomplishment
What's your biggest accomplishment?
osiągnąć coś
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to achieve sth / to accomplish sth
The students accomplished the task in less than ten minutes.
On jest po siedemdziesiątce.
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He's in his seventies.
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a granddaughter
Wczoraj skończył 70 lat.
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He turned 70 yesterday.
przed czymś (najczęściej jakimś budynkiem)
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in front of something
There's a big car park in front of my house.
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next to
There's a pharmacy next to my house.
naprzeciwko czegoś
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opposite sth
There's a school opposite my house.
w pobliżu
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close to / near sth
There's a church near my house.
idź do apteki
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go to the pharmacy
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to pick / to choose
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a purchase
Znalazłem ten rower w internecie.
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I found this bike on the Internet.
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to increase / to go up
The prices went up last month.
na szczęście
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to spełniło moje oczekiwania
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it met my expectations
This meeting didn't meet my expectations.
Wstydzę się tego.
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I'm ashamed of it.
nosić (o ubranie)
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to wear
What is she wearing today?
Ona wydaje za dużo pieniędzy na ubrania.
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She spends too much money ON clothes.
Ile wydałaś na tę sukienkę?
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How much did you spend ON this dress?
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This device is very useful.
wydać majątek na coś
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to spend a fortune ON sth
He spent a fortune on this car.
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a commercial

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