Marcin 26th April (45 min)

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Domanda Risposta
czapka z daszkiem
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a cap
Co masz dzisiaj na sobie?
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What are you wearing today?
Co ona ma dzisiaj na sobie?
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What is she wearing today?
wkładać coś na siebie
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to put sth on
I think you should put something warmer on. It's really cold today.
Dzisiaj jest zimno.
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It's cold today.
zdejmować coś (ubranie)
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to take sth off
I think you should take this thick jumper off. It's really warm today.
Gorąco jest tutaj.
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It's hot here.
pocić się
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to sweat
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a sweater / a jumper
Where did you buy this sweater?
ubierać się
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to get dressed
Nie wchodźmy w szczegóły.
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Let's not go into detail.
do NOT say detailS
Jaki jest twój ulubiony kolor?
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What's your favourite colour?
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założyć np. firmę
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to set up / to establish
When did you set up your company?
otworzyć konto
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to open an account
o północy
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AT midnight
I had to do a lot OF chores and that's why I watched this video at midnight.
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I had to do a lot OF chores and that's why I watched this video at midnight.
wykonywać prace domowe / obowiązki
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to do the (household) chores
The kids all help out with the household chores.
obowiązki (najczęściej związane z pracą)
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Your duties will include greeting visitors and answering the phone.
I spend a lot of time on administrative duties.
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the environment
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a greenhouse
uprawiać warzywa
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to grow veggies / to grow vegetables
Oni uprawiają sztuki walki.
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They do martial arts.
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Oni nie chcą umrzeć.
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They don't want to die.
wynaleźć coś
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to invent sth
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trash / garbage
osoba bezdomna
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a homeless person
Skończyła mi się gotówka.
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I ran out of cash.
płacić kartą
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to pay by card
I'd like to pay by card.
płacić gotówką
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to pay cash / to pay in cash
Payments can be made by card or in cash.

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