Marcin 17th Feb (40 min)

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100 lat!
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Many happy returns (of the day)!
to jest wyjątek
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it's an exception
Spełnienia marzeń.
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May all your dreams come true.
Trzymam kciuki!
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Fingers crossed!
Niech ten dzień będzie najlepszym dniem w twoim życiu.
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May this day be the happiest day of your life.
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czas pokaże
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time will tell
Planuję spotkać się z przyjaciółmi dzisiaj wieczorem.
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I'm planning to meet up with my friends tonight.
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a workshop
dlatego nie mogę ci pomóc
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that's why
that's why I can't help you
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zakupy spożywcze
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grocery shopping
Let's go grocery shopping this weekend.
I have to do some grocery shopping this afternoon.
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a pandemic
Nienawidzę prasować.
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I hate ironing.

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