March 1 2022

 0    11 schede    pjendruszko
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Domanda Risposta
Mam ksiązkę
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I have a book
czytam ciekawą książkę
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I read an interesting book
moja koleżanka chciałaby napisać ksiązke
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my friend would like to write a book
on powininen oddać pieniądze
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he should give the money back
mam problem z moim samochodem
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I have a problem with my car
ile kosztuje książka?
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how much is the book
ile kosztuje rower?
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how much is the bike
Jestem pisarzem ksiażki
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I am a book writer
Organizuje wdarzenie
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I organize events
miałem problem
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I had a problem
dostaję kontakt do przedstawiciela
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I get contact to the representative

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