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to create = to built = to construct = to add = to install
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tworzyc, budowac, powstac itp (5)
to knock down = to pull down = to tear down = to demolish = to remove = to flatten (high buildings)
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to destroy esp buildings
to cut down = to clear = to remove = to flatten (woods)
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to destroy (fields, woods, natural space)
to renovate = to reconstruct = to convert into = to transform into = to replace with
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to change (different purpose, change of meaning)
to move = to relocate
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to change location
to expand = to extend = to enlarge = to grow (esp natural spaces) = to increase in size
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get bigger
to shrink = to decrease in sie
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get smaller
in the centre of / in the north / in the south / in the east / in the west
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w centrum / na północy / na południu / na wschodzie / na zachodzie
to the north / south / east / west of
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na północ / południe / wschód / zachód od
next to sth = beside sth
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obok czegoś (2)
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powyżej / nad / u góry
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to th right / left of
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po prawej/lewej stronie; na prawo / lewo od
to show = to illustrate = to represent
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pokazać synonims (3)
changes = developments
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zmiany = rozwój
throughout the time period
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przez cały okres czasu
residential area
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commercial area
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obszar komercyjny
agricultural area
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powierzchnia użytków rolnych
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budynek mieszkalny

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