Management speak

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Wszyscy musimy ustawić nasze kaczki w rzędzie
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We all have to get our ducks in a row
język specjalistyczny
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popychanie rzeczy do przodu
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driving things forward
Super ładowanie
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wybierzesz bardzo przydatne słownictwo
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you will pick out very useful vocabulary
jestem pewien, że dostarczy
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i am shure she will deliver
wręczać / wręczyć / dostarczyć
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to deliver
to do or wchieve something that was promised
gra słów
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the use a word with two meanings in a funny way
Obecnie zarówno sprzedawcy detaliczni, jak i klienci korzystają z wielu kiosków samoobsługowych
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Now, both retailers and customers are bagging many self-checkout kiosks
To decide not to using something and to use something else instead
to bag
do torby
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to bag
Please bag your item carefully so they don’t break
samotny/sam (ludzie lub rzeczy)
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lone/ alone (people or things)
a lone store worker attends to multiple mulfunctioning machines
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frustracja narasta
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frustration mounts
frustracje narastają
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frustrations mounts
The frustration mounts while a dozen darkened, roped-off amd cashier-less till sit in the background
dawać sobie radę finansowo
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get by
The company is earning very little, but we are able to get by this year
survive with difficulty
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go under
If things do not get better, we will surekt go under this tear
become bankrupt
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put off
We have to lessen our expenses. We cannot put this off any longer
wait for a later time before doing something
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step down
If you cannot manage the company, you need to step down and let other do it.
to leave a responsibility; to resign from a position
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take on
Nobody wants to take on the position of president. Michael needs to take on good salespeople to increase the compsny’ s income
to accept a resonsibility / to hire
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take over
Company X wants to take over this company by buying the majority of the shares
to get the control of something from somebody else

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