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how we can present
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jak możemy zaprezentować
I can manage.
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Dam radę.
the other way round
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academic credits
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kredyty akademickie
a link with the meeting
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link do spotkania
a little worse than me
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trochę gorzej niż ja
much easier than
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o wiele łatwiej niż
We had ready answers.
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Mieliśmy gotowe odpowiedzi.
The teacher went out.
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Nauczyciel wyszedł.
We called it 'lotto'.
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Mówiliśmy na to „lotto”.
state examination, state exam
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egzamin państwowy
an adventure story
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historia przygodowa
for a single ticket
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za pojedynczy bilet
It was cancelled.
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Zostało odwołane.
a stadium
Our stadium is set to be the venue of many interesting events.
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Na naszym stadionie ma się odbyć wiele ciekawych wydarzeń.

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