macek przydatne zwroty 1

 0    25 schede    asiaxx72
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Domanda Risposta
Chciałbym wynająć mieszkanie
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I would like to rent a flat
chciałbym kupić mieszkanie
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I would like to buy a flat
jaka jest cena?
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what is the price?
Ile wynosi czynsz?
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how much is the rent?
ile to ma pokoi
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how many rooms has it got
Jaka jest lokalizacja?
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What is the area like?
czy jest (w pełni) umeblowane?
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is it (fully) furnished?
nie jest umeblowane
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it is not furnished/ it is unfurnished
ile ma pomieszczeń?
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how many rooms has it got?
Jaką ma powierzchnię?
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how many square meters is it?
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to vacuum/ hoover
pastować podłogę
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to wax the floor
podlewać kwiaty
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to water the flowers
pościelić łóżko
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make the bed
przewietrzyć pokój
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to air the room
robić porządki
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to do the cleaning
robić posiłki
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to make meals
przygotowywać posiłki
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to prepare meals
robić pranie
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to do the washing/ wash
robić zakupy
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to do the shopping
wycierać kurz
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to dust/ do the dusting
opróżnić kosz na śmieci
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to empty the dustbin
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to sweep
zmienić pościel
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to change the bedclothes
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to wash up/ to wash the dishes

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