Love the Way You Lie

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windpipe [ˈwɪndˌpaɪp]
He had surgery to remove a blockage in his windpipe.
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It is the tube through which air passes from the mouth and nose to the lungs, also known as the trachea. Synonyms: trachea
A piece of food lodged in her windpipe, causing her to choke.
High off her love [ˌhaɪ ɒf hər ˈlʌv]
I feel like I'm walking on clouds, completely high off her love.
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It is a phrase that describes being extremely elated or emotionally affected by someone's love or affection. Synonyms: intoxicated by her love, euphoric from her love
His entire demeanor changed when he was high off her love; he became much more positive and optimistic.
drunk from her hate [drʌŋk frəm hɜr ˈheɪt]
He felt heavy and dizzy, as if he was drunk from her hate.
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It is a phrase that describes being overly affected or overwhelmed by someone's hatred or negative emotions. Synonyms: intoxicated by her hate, consumed by her spite
The negativity was so palpable that it felt like everyone around her was drunk from her hate.
I'm huffin' paint [aɪm ˈhʌfɪn peɪnt]
He was caught huffin' paint behind the school.
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It is a phrase that refers to the act of inhaling the fumes of paint, which can cause a temporary sensation of euphoria or hallucinations. Synonyms: inhaling paint fumes, sniffing paint
Many teenagers experiment with dangerous substances like huffin' paint because they don't understand the risks.
suffocate [ˈsʌfəˌkeɪt]
The smoke in the room was so thick that it felt like he was going to suffocate.
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To be unable to breathe, usually due to a lack of air or an obstruction in the airway, and possibly leading to death. Synonyms: smother, choke, asphyxiate
She tried to call for help, but her asthma was causing her to suffocate.
resuscitate [rəˈsʌsɪˌteɪt]
The lifeguard was able to resuscitate the drowning swimmer using CPR.
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To revive or restore someone by bringing them back to consciousness or life, usually after they have stopped breathing or experienced cardiac arrest. Synonyms: revive, bring back to life, revive
Paramedics worked tirelessly to resuscitate her after a severe allergic reaction.
snap [snæp]
The tree branch was so dry that it snapped easily when he stepped on it.
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To break or cause something to break suddenly, often with a sharp or loud noise. Synonyms: break, crack, fracture
She closed the book so forcefully that the spine snapped.
laid hands on [leɪd ˈhændz ɒn]
The security guard caught the thief and laid hands on him before he could escape.
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To physically touch, grab, or seize someone or something, often with force or aggression. Synonyms: grabbed, seized, caught hold of
As soon as she laid hands on the rare manuscript, she knew it was authentic.
fuzzy [ˈfʌzi]
The kitten's fuzzy coat felt soft and warm to the touch.
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Covered with short, soft, fine hair or fur, or having an unclear, indistinct quality or appearance. Synonyms: furry, fluffy, hazy, blurry
The image on the old TV was so fuzzy that it was hard to see the details.
swore [swɔr]
He swore to protect her from any harm.
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To make a solemn promise or declaration, or use offensive, indecent, or profane language. Synonyms: vowed, pledged, cursed
In his anger, he swore at the driver who cut him off in traffic.
Spewin' venom in your words [ˈspjuːɪn ˈvenəm ɪn jʊr wɜrdz]
She couldn't take the heat of the argument and started spewin' venom in her words.
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A phrase that refers to speaking with extreme anger, hatred, or malice, often directed at someone else. Synonyms: spitting poison, uttering harsh words, hurling verbal abuse
The politician's speech was filled with anger and negativity, spewin' venom in his words throughout.
spit [spɪt]
The athlete spat water into the grass after taking a drink.
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To force saliva, liquid, or food out of one's mouth, often in small amounts. Synonyms: eject, expel, expectorate
He accidentally bit into a chili pepper and immediately had to spit it out.
pull each other's hair [pʊl itʃ ˈʌðərz heər]
The two girls were so angry at each other that they started to pull each other's hair on the playground.
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To engage in a physical fight or altercation with someone, often involving grasping or tugging on hair. Synonyms: hair-pulling, fighting, grappling
During the argument, the sisters began to pull each other's hair in frustration.
claw [klɔ]
The cat clawed at the scratching post, sharpening its nails.
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To scratch, tear, or dig with sharp nails or claws, often in a desperate or aggressive manner. Synonyms: scratch, scrape, dig
He tried to claw his way out of the collapsed building, digging through the rubble with his hands.
Throw down [ˈθroʊ ˈdaʊn]
The two rival teams were ready to throw down on the basketball court.
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To engage in a fight or competition, or to forcefully put something on a surface. Synonyms: brawl, fight, compete, set down
She was so frustrated that she threw down her pen and stormed out of the room.
pin [pɪn]
She used a safety pin to fix the tear in her dress.
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To fasten, attach, or hold something in place using a thin, pointed object, or to restrain someone by holding them against a surface. Synonyms: fasten, secure, hold, immobilize
The wrestler managed to pin his opponent to the mat, winning the match.
took over [tʊk ˈoʊvər]
When the CEO retired, his daughter took over the company.
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To assume control or responsibility for something or someone, or to become dominant. Synonyms: assume control, seize, become dominant
The new trend quickly took over social media.
restraint [rɪˈstreɪnt]
The student was commended for showing restraint during the heated debate.
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The act of limiting or controlling something, often used in reference to emotions, behaviors, or desires. Synonyms: self-control, moderation, constraint, discipline
The government imposed financial restraints on the company to prevent unethical practices.
window pane [ˈwɪndoʊ peɪn]
The window pane shattered when a baseball flew through it.
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A sheet of glass that is fitted into a window frame to create a transparent barrier. Synonyms: window glass, glass panel, window sheet
They installed new insulated window panes to improve energy efficiency in their home.
temper [ˈtɛmpər]
She had a fiery temper and would often become angry in disagreements.
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A person's emotional state or disposition, or the process of hardening or strengthening a material through heat treatment. Synonyms: disposition, mood, character, anneal
The blacksmith used high heat to temper the metal, making it strong and durable.
pick up your bags off the sidewalk [pɪk ʌp jʊr ˈbægz ɒf ðə ˈsaɪdwɔlk]
We're running late, so please pick up your bags off the sidewalk and get in the car.
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A phrase that requests someone to retrieve their belongings (in this case, bags) from a pathway intended for pedestrians. Synonyms: retrieve your belongings, collect your things, grab your luggage
You can't leave your things all over the place; pick up your bags off the sidewalk.
I'm pissed [aɪm ˈpɪst]
I'm pissed that they didn't invite me to the party.
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A phrase expressing that someone is very angry or extremely annoyed. Synonyms: I'm angry, I'm upset, I'm annoyed
After finding out that the order was wrong, she exclaimed, "I'm pissed!"
I'll aim my fist at the drywall [ˈaɪl eɪm maɪ ˈfɪst æt ðə ˈdraɪwɔl]
If I don't get a handle on my anger, I'll aim my fist at the drywall.
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A phrase indicating that someone is so angry that they want or are about to punch a wall. Synonyms: I'm about to punch the wall, I feel like hitting the wall
During his outburst, he yelled, "I'll aim my fist at the drywall!"
I'ma tie her to the bed [ˈaɪmə taɪ hɜr tə ðə ˈbɛd]
As part of their romantic role-playing game, he said, "I'ma tie her to the bed."
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A phrase indicating an intention to bind someone (in this case, a female) to a bed, often used in playful or provocative contexts. Synonyms: I'll bind her to the bed, I'll secure her to the bed
He jokingly told his friend about their adventurous night, "I'ma tie her to the bed and see what happens!"

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