Longest rivers in the world

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Domanda English Risposta English
In which continent is the Nile River located?
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How long is the Nile River?
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6853 kilometres (4258 miles)
In which continent is the Amazon River located?
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South America
How long is the Amazon River?
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6437 kilometres (4000 miles)
What is the longest river in the world?
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Nile River
How long is the Yangtze River?
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6300 kilometres (3917 miles)
In which country is the Yangtze River located?
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How long is the Yellow River?
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5464 kilometres (3395 miles)
In which country is the Yellow River located?
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How long is the Yenisei River?
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5539 kilometres (3445 miles)
In which continent is the Yenisei River located?
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How long is the Paraná River?
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4480 kilometres (3030 miles)
In which continent is the Paraná River located?
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South America
How long is the Congo River?
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4700 kilometres (2922 miles)
In which continent is the Congo River located?
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How long is the Lena River?
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4400 kilometres (2736 miles)
In which country is the Lena River located?
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How long is the Mekong River?
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4350 kilometres (2705 miles)
In which continent is the Mekong River located?
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How long is the Irtysh River?
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4248 kilometres (2640 miles)
In which continent is the Irtysh River located?
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How long is the Niger River?
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4180 kilometres (2597 miles)
In which continent is the Niger River located?
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How long is the Volga River?
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3692 kilometres (2294 miles)
In which country is the Volga River located?
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