Loic 22nd Feb (60 min)

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If I finish early today,...
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If I finish early today, I'll help you with the report.
If I had a big house,...
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If I had a big house, I'd throw parties every weekend.
If I'd studied more at school,...
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If I'd studied more at school, I would have gone to a better university.
If I'd studied more at school,...
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If I'd studied more at school, I would be fluent in English now.
The doctor said it was just the flu. What a ...!
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The doctor said it was just the flu. What a relief!
We’re keeping our ... crossed that he’ll be healthy again very soon.
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We’re keeping our fingers crossed that he’ll be healthy again very soon.
to decide how to deal with a situation as it develops, rather than acting according to plans made earlier
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play it by ear
a hormone in the body that produces changes in skin colour and is involved in controlling biorhythms such as our sleep pattern
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to get on the train
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to HOP on the train
something such as a piece of paper or message proving that money, goods, or information have been received
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a receipt
a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook food, including a list of what food is needed for this
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a recipe
sleep like a baby
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to sleep like a log
You speak English, ...?
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You speak English, don't you?

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