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Domanda Risposta
w starym/nowym bloku
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in old / new block of flats
w ladnej dzielnicy miasta
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in a nice part of town
w centrum miasta
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in the city center
na wsi
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in the country
w górach
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in the mountains
w lesie
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in forest
daleko/blisko lasu
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far / near the forest
daleko/blisko morza/rzeki
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far / near the sea / river
daleko/blisko sklepów
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near the shops
na wyspie
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on an island
na skraju miasta
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on the edge of town
na parterze
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on the ground floor
na najwyzszym pietrze
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on the top floor
na pierwszym/drugim pietrze
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on the first / second floor
w otoczeniu drzew
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surrounded by trees
w otoczeniu pól
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surrounded by fields
z duzym ogrodem
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with a big garden
ze wspaniałym widokiem
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with a great view
z wieloma pokojami
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with loads of rooms
z wieloma sąsiadami
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with lots of neighbors
z dużą ilością miejsca w środku
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with lots of space inside
z duza iloscia miejsca na zewnatrz
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with plenty of outside
na przedmiesciu
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in the suburbs
nad jeziorem/rzeką
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by the lake / river
w halasliwej dzielnicy
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in a noisy neighborhood
w cichej dzielnicy
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in a quiet neighbours
w stolicy
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in the capital city
na głównej ulicy
inizia ad imparare
in the mein street
inizia ad imparare
z widokiem na rzeke
inizia ad imparare
overlooking the river

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