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Who is Prospero
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Who is Caliban
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Caliban is a nonhuman creature and a native inhabitant of the island. He seems dangeorius, uncivilised, wild and is morally bad. Caliban claims the island as his own and plans a revenge on Prospero.
Relationship between Macbeths
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Who is Hamlet
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Morality play
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allegorical drama poular in Europe in 15th and 16th century, in which characters personify moral qualities and teach moral lessons
chivalric romance
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tale spread in medieval Europe, which exalted the ideal of courtly love, the adventures of the knights and contained elements of fiction
chivalric values
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Bravery, courage, mercy, nobility, honorability
A. S values in Dream of the Rood
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Christ is a hero, hes strong, couragous and brave. Also crucifixion of Christ as an act of heroism. Also cross is described like a sword
Ch values in Dream of the Rood
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desire of getting to heaven. being hopeful after praying. Also talk about christs second coming to earth
similarities Seafarer Wanderer
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Both protagonists are exiled from their society. They both also face many difficulties that cause them to contemplate spiritual matters and come to self realization. In both poems believe in heaven
differences Seafarer Wanderer
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heroic epic
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long, narrative poem about life and deeds of heroes who often have to fight supernatural forces. Elements of heroic epic: elevated language, hero, task, community, supernatural traits, fate
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repetition of the same sound at the beginning of the words in the same line.
In canterbury tales:
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1) clergy2) commoners3) nobelmen

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