liczby i ilosci

 0    19 schede    dilaurentis11
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Domanda Risposta
in bulk
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in dribs and drabs
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half the battle
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w polowie drogi
zbieranie owocy to tylko polowa pracy. teraz musimy z nich zrobic sok
zadania, pracy
once in a blue moon
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od święta
in fits and starts
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by the dozen
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na tuziny
w duzej ilosci
a hundred and one
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bardzo duzo
in one fell swoop
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za jednym zamachem
across the board
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spring up like mushrooms
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wyrastać jak grzyby po deszczu
scarce as hen’s teeth
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tyle co kot naplakal
by the score
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na peczki
drop in the ocean
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kropla w morzu
small pickings
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today sth, tomorrow sth a lot bigger
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dziś coś, jutro coś znacznie większego
never in a month of Sundays
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za zadne skarby swiata
nigdy w zyciu
few and far between
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to rzadkosc
thick and fast
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nieprzerwanym ciagiem
in their droves
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