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Her name is Lettice and the leafy vegetable is lettuce.
I'm Lettice like the salad.
sałatka (mieszanka warzyw)
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do not confuse lettuce (vegetable) with salad
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a surname
Can you please spell your surname?
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to row
oboje / oba
Wezmę oba (np. bochenki chleba).
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I'll take both.
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elegancki / z wyższych sfer
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zawodnik / uczestnik konkursu
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a contestant
You might be the poshest contestant we've ever had.
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a violin
I really wanted a real violin.
When I was four my parents gave me a plastic violin.
Byłam wściekła.
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I was furious.
chwytać coś w lot
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to take to sth like a duck to water*
I just took to it like a duck to water.
Nie jestem przygotowana.
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I'm not prepared.
Słuchałam tego nagrania (utworu) w samochodzie.
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I listened to the track in the car.
do not say: I listened music.
Remember, listen + TO + sth
w samochodzie
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in the car
w autobusie
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on the bus (NiV)
w pociągu
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on the train (NiV)
dzisiaj rano
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this morning
do not say: today in the morning
dzisiaj po południu
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this afternoon (NiV)
do not say: today in the morning
dzisiaj wieczorem
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this evening (NiV)
do not say: today in the evening
po drodze tutaj
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on the way here
I listened to some music on the way here.
po drodze do domu
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on the way home
I bought some cake on the way home. (NiV)
Jestem w drodze.
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I'm on the way. (NiV)
do not say: I'm in the way.
Jestem bardzo szczera.
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I'm very honest.
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mocno się udzielać / być aktywnym w wielu różnych sferach
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to have a finger in every pie
Jestem na zbyt dużym kacu, żeby się denerwować.
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I'm too hungover to be nervous.
to be hungover
She woke up with a terrible hangover. (NiV)
hangover is a noun, hungover is an adjective
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Chcę się z wami podzielić moim talentem.
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I want to share my talent with you.
uszczęśliwiać ludzi
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to make people happy
Jesteśmy zaintrygowani.
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We're intrigued.
She was intrigued by her boyfriend's reaction. (NiV)

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