Letter - S

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Domanda English Risposta English
sludgy... The pond was very sludgy.
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fangoso. thick and slushy.
sludgy... I don't like to play soccer on a sludgy ground.
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fangoso. thick and slushy.
A whole SLEW OF applications came at the last minute. ------- a slew of (something).
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un montón. a large number of people or things.
Cesar Losano has written "a slew of" books. ------------ a slew of (something).
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un montón. a large number of people or things.
Grandma said that her garden is full with BABOSOS.
Suena como: S - LOGan
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SLUG ........ Grandma said that her garden is full with SLUGS.
SLUG is a small, soft creature that is like a snail without a shell.
a slug. a small, soft creature that is like a snail without a shell.
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babosa. Mary was annoyed to find the slugs had been eating her lettuces again.
slug. (a small piece of metal that is fired from a gun).
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bala. a bullet. Mike Pen inserted more slugs into the gun.
slug. (a small piece of metal that is fired from a gun).
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bala. a bullet. I found a 45 slug on the street.
Pepin's a real SLUG in the mornings........ SLUG. (a person).
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Lento. A slow person. (US, informal) ........ Don't be such a slug man.
slug. (a person).
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slug= (US, informal: a lazy person. Jhon never works, he's a real slug.
sliding door.
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puerta corredisa. (door which opens on a runner).
The snow turned to sleet and made driving very dangerous. - - - - Sleet.
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agua nieve. Frozen or partly frozen rain
sleet... frozen or partly frozen rain. It's sleeting outside.
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agua nieve. It's sleeting outside.
sludge... The snow melted, turning the soil into sludge.
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lodo fango. nieve con lodo. thick, soft, wet mud.
sludge ------ The ground is sludgy.
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lodo fango. nieve con lodo. thick, soft, wet mud.
snowy... Today was a snowy day.
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nevado, cubierto de nieve. covered in snow.
snowy... The snowy mountains look beautiful at sunrise.
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nevado, cubierto de nieve. covered in snow.
stammer. to stammer... Jualio Ramirez used to stammer all the time at school.
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tartamudear, tartamudeo.
Pepin stammered until the age of 12. - - - - STUTTER or STAMMER
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tartamudear, tartamudeo.
stutter. to stutter... I used to stutter when I was a child.
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tartamudear, tartamudeo. to have a speech problem that causes you to repeat the beginning sound of some words.
stammer, stutter. to stutter... She stutters when she gets excited.
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tartamudear, tartamudeo. to have a speech problem that causes you to repeat the beginning sound of some words.
How do you say when you have a speech problem that causes you to repeat the beginning sound of some words?.
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to stammer. to stutter.
there's no accounting for taste(s).
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En gustos se rompen generos.
En gustos se rompen generos.
DIGA: No hay explicación para gusto.
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there's no accounting for taste(s).
En gustos se rompen generos.
DIGA: No hay explicación para gusto.
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there's no accounting for taste(s).
The (matanza) was too upsetting to be shown on television.
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carnage ........ The (carnage) was too upsetting to be shown on television.
Carnage... The carnage was too upsetting to be shown on television.
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carnicería, matanza.; the killing of many people. bloodshed.
Years of violence and bloodshed have left city of Chicago in ruins. ----- BLOODSHED.
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carnicería, matanza. a carnage. fighting, violence.
Carnage -------- Years of violence and carnage have left the city of Chicago in ruins.
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carnicería, matanza.; the killing of many people. bloodshed.
The (bloodshed) was too upsetting to be shown on television.
carnicería, matanza.; the killing of many people. bloodshed.
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Carnage... The (carnage) was too upsetting to be shown on television.
Carnage... carnicería, matanza.; the killing of many people. bloodshed.
let your hair down... The party gives you a chance to let your hair down at the end of the week.
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Soltarse el pelo. to relax and do what you want.
Soltarse el pelo?.
Dejar tu pelo abajo
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let your hair down.
let your hair down... It's nice to let your hair down once in a while and go a bit wild in a dancing club...
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Soltarse el pelo. to relax and do what you want.
¿Qué horas serán?. ¿Qué hora podrá ser?.
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Whatever time is it?.
¿Qué horas serán?. ¿qué hora podrá ser?.
¿Qué quieres decir?........ LO QUE SEA quieres decir?... ¿A que te refieres?.
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Whatever do you mean?.
¿Qué quieres decir?.
Cumpleaños de mi mama?.
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Agosto 5.
Cumpleaños de mi papa?.
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3 de Septiembre.
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rápido y enérgico
Today we’re saying ADIOS to a lot of peple.
Suena como: FER - WELL
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FAREWELL ........ Today we’re saying FAREWELL to a lot of peple.
He made his DESPEDIDA and left.
Suena como: FER - WELL
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FAREWELLS ....... He made his FAREWELLS and left.
The racecourse announcer said that the next race was about to start ........ racecourse.
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Pomposo/a, pretencioso/a. arrogante. someone who is pompous thinks they are very important and speaks or behaves in a very serious and formal way. arrogant, proud, conceited.
Would you care for some pie?. ---- Care for.
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Querer. to want (something).
Carrera - curso.
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