Lesson_ENG_Salinger sentences

 0    20 schede    tomtomaszsadowski
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Domanda English Risposta English
They're quite touchy about this
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They're quite touchy about this
He used to be just a regular writer
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He used to be just a regular writer
He was exactly the type that drove you mad with desire
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He was exactly the type that drove you mad with desire
He knew I wasn't comming back to this place
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He knew I wasn't comming back to this place
She was sort of deaf
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She was sort of deaf
It got on my nerves sometimes
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It got on my nerves sometimes
On account I wasn't comiing back
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On account I wasn't comiing back
I started getting serious
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I started getting serious
Have you communicated with them?
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Have you communicated with them?
How do they take the news?
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How do they take the news?
People tell to act your age
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People tell to act your age
He always made me say everything twice
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He always made me say everything twice
He did it on purpose
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He did it on purpose
It made me sleepy
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It made me sleepy
I like to stick all the commass and stuff in the right place
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I like to stick all the commass and stuff in the right place
All I need is an audience
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All I need is an audience
All of a sudden
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All of a sudden
I nearly dropped dead when he said that
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I nearly dropped dead when he said that
Only very strange things interested him
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Only very strange things interested him
He spent a half of his life making money and then he didn't have time for spend it
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He spent a half of his life making money and then he didn't have time for spend it

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