Lesson_eng_new words 051120

 0    42 schede    tomtomaszsadowski
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Domanda English Risposta English
it works for me
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it works for me
mellow and easygoing
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mellow and easygoing
Laugh track
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Laugh track
that's a very helpful resource
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that's a very helpful resource
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Obsessive compulsive disorder
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Obsessive compulsive disorder
I've forgot to turn off the iron
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I've forgot to turn off the iron
debilitating disease
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debilitating disease
extreme weather conditions
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extreme weather conditions
extremely impressive
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extremely impressive
now I'm intrigued
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now I'm intrigued
we'll definitely talk about that
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we'll definitely talk about that
coughing and sneezing
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coughing and sneezing
muscle pain and contractions
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muscle pain and contractions
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automatic gearbox
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automatic gearbox
Manual gearbox
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Manual gearbox
gear sticks
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gear sticks
Rotations Per Minute RPM
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Rotations Per Minute RPM
powder extinguisher
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powder extinguisher
introduced remote learning
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introduced remote learning
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powder extinguisher
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powder extinguisher
remote learning
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remote learning
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Occupational Health and Safety OHS
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Occupational Health and Safety OHS
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I have done my 8 minute work out
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I have done my 8 minute work out
I like doing that
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I like doing that
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How does that sound to you?
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How does that sound to you?
I will have a look
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I will have a look
give the feedback on Friday
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give the feedback on Friday
to complain about sth
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to complain about sth
to make a complaint
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to make a complaint
there were 3 people in my management
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there were 3 people in my management
private person
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private person
legal person
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legal person
there is no cure for advanced syphilys
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there is no cure for advanced syphilys
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