Lesson - Unintended Consequences

 0    13 schede    jessehandley
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Domanda Risposta
trickle down economics
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teoria skapywania (typ teorii socjologicznej)
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close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal
to express dissent
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express opinions that are different from the official viewpoint
to nag sb
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to bother someone repeatedly
reduce someone's footprint
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produce fewer greenhouse gasses from activities and help the environment
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become gradually less
barriers to entry
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obstacles that make it difficult to enter a given market
humanitarian crisis
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kryzys humanitarny
government surveillance
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nadzór rządowy
oppressive regimes
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reżimy uciskające
a proxy agent
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agent zastępczy
an existential crisis
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kryzys egzystencjalny
a cloud-based library
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biblioteka oparta na chmurze

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