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I swear
All what i said was true! I swear!
to, co powiedziałem, było prawdą!
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what i said was true!
I swear!
Czy jesteś gotów do wyjścia?
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Are you ready to leave?
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i have to
I have to leave right now! I'm sorry!
pozbyć się, uwolnić się
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I have to rid my old car!
coś poszło nie tak
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something has gone wrong
musisz działać szybko
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You have to act quickly
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I'm going
i'm going to sleep.
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grać, działać
You have to act quikly.
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Let's go
Let's go together next time.
chodźmy razem następnym razem
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let's go together next time
tutaj nie jest bezpiecznie
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it's not safe here
Patryk listen to me! it's not safe here. Let's go from here!
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It's dangerous here. Let's go from here.
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I could
I could not sleep
could I
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czy mógłbym
Could I play with you?

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