Lesson - Sleep More!

 0    11 schede    jessehandley
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Domanda Risposta
sleep like a log
She sleeps like log so good luck trying to wake her.
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śpij jak kłoda
sleep like a baby
I slept like a baby last night. (Waking up every 10 minutes crying)
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śpij jak dziecko
sleep soundly
Since I moved away from the airport I sleep soundly.
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śpij spokojnie
sleep tight
Sleep tight, don't let the bed bug bite!
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śpij dobrze
crash out
Uncle John crashed out on the sofa after a hard day at work...
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rozbić się
light sleeper
Bob is a light sleeper so be careful not to make too much noise.
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lekki podkład
send to sleep
This movie is so boring I'm sure it will send you to sleep.
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wysłać do snu
take a short nap
I'm sure your supervisor won't mind you taking a short nap.
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zdrzemnij się
I don't do that anymore.
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I used to sleep a lot at the weekends.
It's not a problem for me.
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I am used to getting up early.
I'm trying to do that.
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I'm getting used to going to bed early.

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