Lesson & Reading

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bez względu na coś
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irrespective of
a person who supports an idea or belief or performs an activity (propagator np. idei, przedstawiciel)
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able to be believed or trusted; wiarygodny
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an idea that a lot of people think is true but is in fact false; błędne rozumowanie, błędne przekonanie
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the act of producing a product, especially in an industrial process; the act of inventing false information in order to deceive someone, or the false information itself
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błędne mniemanie, błędne przekonanie, niewłaściwe zrozumienie, przesąd
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to publicly support or suggest an idea, development, or way of doing something
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żargon, język specjalistyczny, technolekt
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proza, epika
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an official announcement
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help and comfort when you are feeling sad or worried
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znaleźć pocieszenie w czymś (np. w piciu)
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find solace in sth
an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based
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A hackneyed phrase or idea has been said or used so often that it has become boring and has no meaning
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it goes without saying
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arguably = unarguably
the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it
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czerpać (np. przyjemność), odnosić (korzyści, zyski); to get something from something else
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derive; derive sth from sth
impossible to doubt or argue with; bezsporny (np. fakt), niepodważalny (np. o alibi), niezbity (np. argument)
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appearing to be something, especially when this is not true; pozornie, na pierwszy rzut oka
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dotychczas, do tej pory
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to end something by force; o prevent something from being expressed, seen or known
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displeased, unhappy
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winning (aside)
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możliwy do przezwyciężenia, możliwy do pokonania
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niemożliwe do przezwyciężenia
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insurmountable difficulties
być skłonnym do zrobienia czegoś
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be prone to do sth
poddać się, polegnąć
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niezrozumiały, niewytłumaczalny
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get on very well
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get on like house on fire
pompous, self-important, with overblown ego
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the best thing since sliced bread
be in charge; dyktować warunki
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call the shots
it worked well, it was effective
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it worked at treat
to scream at someone, to reprimand, to tell sb off
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to lash out at sb
to take it to the supervisor, higher power
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to take it to the powers that be
jak dwie krople wody
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be like two peas in the pod
apodyktyczny, dominujący
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strach, lęk
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niezawodny, godny zaufania, wiarygodny
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wypełniać pustkę
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fill the void
nabierać tempa (np. o rozwoju kariery); odnieść nagły sukces
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it takes off

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