Lesson - A Continuous Journey

 0    16 schede    jessehandley
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to make it
After 15 years of no success, John finally made it.
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became successful
go downhill
After he stopped paying attention to his customers, his business soon went downhill.
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started to fail
to push yourself
Richard really pushed himself to reach success
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put pressure on yourself
to pour in
When he started focusing on clients and projects, the money started pouring in.
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started to flow in large amounts
to let someone go
The business stopped making money, so the managers had to let all the employees go
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dismiss, fire
to go under
After several years of making a loss, the business finally went under.
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go bankrupt
drop like a rock
After he stopped paying attention to his customers, his business dropped like a rock.
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failed rapidly
sit back in your comfort zone
After becoming successful, he sat back in his comfort zone and stopped focusing on his clients.
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stopped improving because he was successful
a one-way street
Success is not a one-way street
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activity that goes in one direction
I figured it was a good idea.
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George Washington był ważną postacią.
a hot-shot guy
He thought he was a hot shot and would always experience success.
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a person who is talented and showy
creative block
The author was pressured to write the next installment but experienced creative block.
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when you can’t think of any ideas
got distracted
She got distracted by the free samples at the checkout.
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lost my focus
got into
They decided to get into the stock market after they heard good things.
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become involved in
Outwardly, their family was doing well but inwardly they were struggling.
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on the surface
Over time their importance in the industry faded until they were unknown.
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became less strong or clear
Ćwiekowe paski są niemodne, stary.

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