Lesson 8 24/05/2021

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The couple next door are always having rows.
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a loud, angry argument
He backed Mr Clark in the recent election.
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to give support or help to a person, plan, or idea
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to marry sb
He is tipped to take over from the current chairman.
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to say who you think will get a particular job or be successful at something
The company has announced plans to axe 500 jobs.
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to get rid of something or someone suddenly
They bid $500 million for the company.
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to offer to pay an amount of money for something
Government troops clashed with rebel soldiers.
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to fight or argue
She vowed that she would never leave the children again.
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to make a serious promise or decision
split over/on sth
The party is split on the issue of closer European unity.
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to be unable to agree about something
He's been having an affair with a woman at work.
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a sexual relationship between two people when one or both of them is married to someone else
paparazzi (singular: paparazzo)
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the photographers who follow famous people everywhere they go in order to take photographs of them for newspapers and magazines
I think I must be going mad.
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mentally ill, or unable to behave in a reasonable way:

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