Lesson 7A 9.04.2018 - 16.04.2018

 0    23 schede    harrietreynolds
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Domanda English Risposta English
to blame
blame sb for sth
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say or think that someone is responsible for a problem/accident/sth bad
to threaten sb
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to tell sb you will hurt them (usually to make them do sth)
to insult sb
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to say or do sth offensive
swear word
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a bad/offensive word
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very strong anger, usually doesn't last long
to bring up
bring sth up
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to mention, start talking about
to bother
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to make sb upset/worried/annoyed
to back up (an argument)
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to provide evidence
to change the subject
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to talk about sth else
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causing emotional pain
in floods of tears
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crying a lot
to lay
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to put sth in a horizontal position
to lie
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to put your body in a horizontal position
to advise
advise sb to do sth
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to tell sb what you think they should do
to warn
warn sb about sth
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tell sb that sth bad is going to happen
to raise
My boss raised my salary
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to make sth go up
to rise
My salary has risen
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go up
to refuse
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say you don't want to do sth
to deny
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say that sth isn't true
to rob
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take sth from a person or building by force
to steal
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take money or property that isn't yours
to avoid
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try not to do sth
to prevent
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stop sth happening

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