Lesson 6 30/11/2020

 0    10 schede    jagodamaj93
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the feeling you get when you could have done something for the environment, but consciously made the decision not to do it
I always carry a reusable shopping bag.
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able to be used more than once
It's very convenient that you live near the office.
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suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty
The maximum penalty for the offence is a $1,000 fine.
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an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law
I'm a bit low on (= I don't have much) petrol.
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a liquid obtained from petroleum, used especially as a fuel for cars and other vehicles
Desalination has become a viable option for the development of reliable fresh water supplies.
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the process of removing salt from sea water
Since retiring from the company, she has done voluntary work for a charity.
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to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health
We intend to go to Australia next year.
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to have as a plan or purpose
the school curriculum
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the subjects studied in a school, college, etc. and what each subject includes
running water
Some of these older houses still don't have running water.
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water supplied to a house by pipes

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