lesson 32

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mylący, wprowadzający w błąd
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The advertisement was misleading to the customers./His clues were misleading
poddawać się (czemuś), ulegać (np. pokusie)
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wygłupiać się, obijać się
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goof around
lokalny, krajowy (np. gwiazda muzyki)
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oczarowany, zauroczony/zaczarowany, pod wpływem uroku
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"Are we ever going to get to this enchanted place?" /"The father of this little girl you're so enchanted with."
rozejm, zawieszenie broni (czasowe)
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If the truce cannot be maintained, we'll declare war again./I was negotiating a truce between the two armies.
porywający, wciągający (np. film, książka)
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The book was so gripping that I just couldn't put it down./The thriller was very gripping and I want to watch it again.
spławiać kogoś
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brush somebody off
That girl brushed Jacob off!/Brush your friends off and come with me.
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an acquaintance
He has few close friends, but numerous acquaintances/How do you like our new acquaintance, Larry?/She's not really a friend; she's just an acquaintance
łóżko piętrowe
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a bunk bed
There was only a narrow bunk bed in the bedroom.
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He is seemingly nice, but don't let that fool you.
uwłaczający, poniżający, obraźliwy (np. komentarz)
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He had been on the point of using a derogatory term for black people. /A boy on his first war party was given a silly or derogatory name.
niekorzystny (np. o sytuacji)
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That would put them in a disadvantageous position on the stairs.
uwiecznianie, utrwalanie, zachowywanie
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Yet a recent California case suggests that perpetuating that unfairness could invite a legal challenge.
nakaz sądowy, zakaz sądowy
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The court injunction prevented the book from being published.
popierać (czyjeś poglądy), wspierać (przekonania), wzmacniać (uczucia), umacniać (więzi)
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umacniać (np. wiarę), utrwalać (np. więzi), cementować (np. związek)
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Cooking dinner together will strengthen our relationship./I want to strengthen my faith, so I go to the church every Sunday.
brzydzić się, czuć wstręt, nienawidzić / wstrętny, odrażający
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She loathed him in a deep and very personal way. /These two had loathed one another for half a century.
obraźliwy, chamski, ordynarny /odrażający (np. zapach)
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His jokes are offensive / The smell of pigs was offensive.
wyraźny, wyrazisty, stanowczy
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In the week before the break, the issues became much more pronounced.
napotykać, spotykać, natykać się
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We encountered some difficulties when trying to apply for a visa/I don't want to encounter you, you always cheat.
posłuszny, uległy, pokorny
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I am giving you a better way to become submissive. /Do you find it hard to play the role of the submissive wife?
narażenie, wystawienie (np. na słońce) / odsłonięcie, ujawnienie
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Excessive exposure to the Sun may result in skin cancer/Maybe the exposure of the truth won't be that bad, don't worry.
zmarszczyć brwi
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Justin frowned for a moment./She paused, frowning in deep concentration.
wrzeszczeć, krzyczeć
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There is no need to yell, I can hear you well./Stop yelling, I can hear you.
jąkać się (o osobie)
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What did she really know about the small woman who stuttered?
wzruszyć ramionami
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shrug your shoulders
She shrugged her shoulders, but I thought she was annoyed.
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drżeć, trząść się (np. ze strachu) / drżenie
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I was trembling with cold./She stood there, trembling with hesitation
zdumiony, oszołomiony, skonsternowany
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He was bewildered and did not know what to do.
zdziwiony, zaskoczony
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When I asked to see my mother they seemed astonished.
upojony, uszczęśliwiony
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And then at the end of the morning you feel elated. /For my part, I feel elated and close to tears.
lichy, nędzny, pożałowania godny/nieszczęśliwy, nieszczęsny
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I know no more about the wretched business than you do.
rozpaść się, zakończyć się
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fall apart
She was depressed when her marriage fell apart./The cup fell apart in my hands.
skaza, wada, usterka
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There are some flaws in your argument.
odchodzić od tematu
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get sidetracked
This meeting is sure to get sidetracked by human rights issues.
pogoń, dążenie /pościg, ściganie, gonitwa
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He spent his life in the pursuit of happiness/He lost himself in his pursuit of wealth./The police were in pursuit of the criminal.
pozostawać w tyle, zwalniać kroku /pozostawać w tyle, być gorszym
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fall behind
Don't fall behind, let's walk together./Our son fell behind in Spanish classes.
zakładać się, obstawiać (postawić pieniądze)/zakłąd
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to bet
I bet you can't do it./I bet she's cheating on him/Who won the bet?
zaskarżać (kogoś), procesować się (o coś), wnosić pozew
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She sued the driver for damages/I wanted to sue him but he paid me not to do that
wyczerpujący, obszerny, wszechstronny, pełny, kompleksowy synonimy: broad, wide,
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He offered us a comprehensive explanation/It is a very comprehensive study of drug addiction.

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