Lesson - 29.09.2022

 0    16 schede    jessehandley
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Domanda Risposta
the name of the game
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Nazwa gry
reviewed, went through
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sprawdziłem, przeszedłem
don't quit your day job
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sarcastic way of telling someone they are really bad
to come out on top
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throw a birthday party
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urządzić przyjęcie urodzinowe
make a bargain
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zawrzeć umowę
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let's cut to the chase
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Przejdźmy do sprawy
let's not beat around the bush
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nie owijmy się w bawełnę
out of sight, out of mind
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co z oczu to z serca
ignorance is bliss
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ignorancja jest błogością
to check out
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to try something
I'm on a seafood diet...
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everything I see, I eat.
after hours
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po godzinach
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trash panda
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