Lesson 25.11.19

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Styrofoam - special white thing to protect from destruction
Buda dla psa
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Młotek i gwoździe
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Hammer and nails
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Drill- special thing to make a hole in the wood
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Dziura w drewnie
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A hole in the wood
Grypa, przeziębienie
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Flu, colds
Recepta - specjalny paragon na leki
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Prescription - special receipt for medicines
Lotnisko, terminal, bilety, bagaż
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Airport, terminal, tickets, baggage
Muzyka klasyczna, filharmonia, elegancka, czarna sukienka, wysokie obcasy
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Classical music, philharmonic, elegant black dress, high heels
Gram dwa lub trzy razy w roku w filharmonii.
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I play in the philharmonic two or three times a year.
Dobre miejsca do odwiedzenia: Morze Bałtyckie, Kraków.
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Good places to visit: Baltic Sea, Cracow.
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Żeby być weterynarzem trzeba mieć dużo pieniędzy na budynek, wyposażenie, lekarstwa.
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To be a vet you need a lot of money for a building, equipment and medicines.
Ja leciałam samolotem.
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I flew by plane.
Ja nie leciałam samolotem.
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I didn't fly by plane.
Wynająć budynek
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Rent a building
Ja wynajmę
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I will rent
Ja nie wynajmę
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I will not rent

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