Lesson - 22.09.2022

 0    14 schede    jessehandley
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Domanda Risposta
it's better to give than to receive
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lepiej dawać niż brać
spend money ON something
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wydawać pieniądze na coś
animal shelter
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schronisko dla zwierząt
prenuptial agreement
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We've had some unexpected expenses this month.
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W tym miesiącu mieliśmy trochę nieprzewidzianych wydatków
home is where the heart is
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Dom jest tam gdzie serce
sin tax
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podatek od grzechu
excise tax
The government is introducing higher excise tax on cigarettes.
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Rząd wprowadza wyższą akcyzę na papierosy.
shape of the glass
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kształt szkła
work independently
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pracować niezależnie
work collaboratively
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pracować razem
parent company
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same old same old
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taki sam stary taki sam stary
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