Lesson 19.03.20

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Domanda Risposta
Właściciel psa
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Dogs' owner
Kran jest nad zlewem.
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The tap is above the sink.
Mój kran jest zepsuty.
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My tap is broken.
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Plumber / Water specialist
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Sink - special thing for washing hands
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Discount, sale
Specjalna cena
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Special price, lower price, promotion
Czy macie inny kolor z tego rodzaju?
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Do you have another color of this kind?
Nie dała mi pani reszty.
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You didn't give me the rest / change.
Dziękuję za zaproszenie ale nie wiem czy skorzystam.
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Thank you for the invitation but I don't know if I will use it.
Lubię jeździć na rolkach.
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I like rollerblading.
Wystawa psów.
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Dog show / exhibition
Gimnazjum (w Polsce)
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Middle School (in Poland)
Liceum ogólnokształcące
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High School

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