Lesson - 12.09.2023

 0    11 schede    jessehandley
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to come down with something
My throat is sore, I think I've come down with something.
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złapać coś (np. chorobę)
Boli mnie gardło, chyba coś złapałem.
dig deeper
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kop głębiej
a get together
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right out of the gate
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prosto z bramy
has a handle on technology
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ma pojęcie o technologii
hearing devices
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aparaty słuchowe
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opieka nad dzieckiem
family attachments
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przywiązania rodzinne
set in their ways
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na ich sposób
The smell of his cheap perfume was off-putting.
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Zapach jego tanich perfum był odpychający.
slip under the radar
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wślizgnąć się pod radar

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