Lesson 113

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Domanda English Risposta English
What's the difference between "to discuss", "to argue" and to "quarrel"?
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difference is that " discuss" means to talk about something in a serious or formal manner, "argue" means to disagree badly on a subjact and become angry, "to quarrel" means to lose control of their anger and start shouting and saying unpleasant things
Do you enjoy discussing politics?
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No, I don't enjoy discussing politics
Why do housemate sometimes argue with one another?
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Housemate sometimes argue with one another because of the bill, noise, cleaning, etc.
Did you quarrel a lot with your brother or sister when you were a child?
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Yes, I quarreled a lot with my brother and sister when I was a child.
Give me an example of the word "argue" used with the meaning of "to reason"
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She argues that if we don't go now it'll be too late.
Would you say that a regular life was better than an inregular one?
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Yes, I'd say that regular life was better than an irregular one.
Why a regular life is better?
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Because it's healthier for our body
What does it mean "to live a regular life"?
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To leave a regular life means that we eat, sleep and work etc at more or less the same times everyday.
Can a dentist do anything about irregular theeth?
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Yes, a dentist can do something about iregular teeth
Do you work or study irregular hours?
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No, I don't work or study irregular hours
Why is it important to blow up bridges during a war?
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It's important to blow up bridges during the war in order to make it difficult for the enemy to get across the river; to do so, they would either have to swim, cross by boat or build new bridges
What's the difference between dust and powder?
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The difference between dust and powder is that dust is natural and collects on objects, whereas powder is something that is made.
Have you ever collected stamps or anything like that?
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Yes, I collected stamps when I was a child
On what kind of occasions do people collect together in large numbers?
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The kind of occasions on which people collect together in large numbers are parties, political meetings, football matches etc.
Do they collect money in the streets in your country for different causes, such as for the Red Cross, the poor, etc.?
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Yes, they collect money in the street in my country for different causes such as for the red cross, the poor, etc.
What do you consider to be a good cause worth collecting money for?
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I consider the Red Cross to be a good cause worth collecting money for.
What kind of furniture do you like to see a room furnished with?
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I like to see a room furnished with modern furniture.
How long does it usually take for a new film to become available to buy?
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It usually takes a few months for a new film to become available to buy
If you rang somebody up when they were at work but they weren't available immediately, would you wait, leave a message or call back later?
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If I rang somebody up when they were at work but they weren't available immediately, I'd call back later.
Do you think that human beings sometimes behave worse than animals?
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Yes, I think that human beings sometimes behave worse than animals
What artifical parts of the body can science provide us with?
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Science can provide us with artificial arms, legs, teeth, etc.
When do we add the letters "es" to form the plural of a noun and the third person singular of a verb?
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We add the letters "es" when a word ends in the letters "o", "s", "x", "z", "ch", "sh"
Give me some example please both noun and verb(plural with "es")
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one potato two potatoes I go you go he goes
What happens when a noun or a verb ends in a consonant plus "y"?
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When a noun or verb ends in a consonant plus "y", the "y" is changed to "i" and then the letters "es" are added
Give me an example (when a noun or verb ends in a consonant plus "y")
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one lady two ladies I cry you cry he cries
If you kiss your mother hello how many kisses do you give her -one two or three?
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If I kiss my mother hello, I give her one kiss
What do we mean by the rush hour in a large city?
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By the rush hour in a large city, we mean the time when everyone rushes to work or home from work.
Who were your heroes when you were a child?
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My Heroes when I was a child was spiderman
Why? (he was your hero when you were a child)
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Because he could climb through the wall and he help people
What does the idiom "pull someone's leg mean"?
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The idiom pull someone's leg means joke with someone by making them believe something that is not true
Give me an example please (pull someone's leg)
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After all these years of knowing him, I still don't know when he's being serious and when he's just pulling my leg

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