Lesson 112

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Domanda English Risposta English
Do you like people who are always laughing and joking?
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Yes, I like people who are always laughing and joking
Can you tell as a joke?
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No, I can't tell you a joke
What am I pretending to do?
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You're pretending to Play the piano.
When children play together do they often pretend to be adults?
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Yes, when children play together they often pretend to be adults.
if you see someone you know in the street but you're in too much of a hurry to stop and say hello, do you sometimes pretend not to notice them
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Yes, if I see someone I know in the street but I'm in too much of a hurry to stop and say hello, I sometimes pretend not to notice them
What do we have to put on an envelope before posting a letter?
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We have to put an address and a stamp on an envelope before posting a letter
If you write the address on the envelope but leave out the postcode, will the letter still arrive?
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Yes, if you write the address on the envelope but leave out the postcode, the letter will still arrive, but it may take longer
What am I pretending to do? (stamp)
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You're pretending to stamp a piece of paper with a stamp
Would you find it difficult to behave naturally if you met someone really famous?
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Yes, I'd find it difficult to behave naturally if I met someone really famous
What do I mean if I say "Naturally, she was pleased about passing the test"?
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If you say "Naturally, she was pleased about passing the test", you mean "Of course she was pleased about passing the test"
What is the most recent film you have seen?
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The most recent film I've seen is "Once Upon a Time"
What was it like - that is was it a good, bad, or just so-so? (recent film)
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It was good.
Have you been to any concerts recently?
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Yes, I've been to some concert recently.
What can we say instead of the word "friend" in very informal English
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We can say "mate" instead of friend in very informal English
What's a housemate or flatmate?
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A housemate or flatmate is someone who we leave with.
Do you know the names of all of your workmates?
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Yes, I know the names of all my workmates.
If you thought one of your workmates was stealing money from the company you work for, what would you do?
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It I though one of my workmates was stealing money from the company, I'd tell them to stop.
Is there anything you're really looking forward to doing at the moment?
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No there isn't anything I'm really looking forward to doing at the moment
What kind of things do you look forward to most?
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The kind of things I look forward to most are holidays.
What does the expression" let me see" mean?
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The expression "let me see" means "Give me time to think for a minute"
On what kind of occasions do we use it? ("let me see")
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We use it on occasions when we are thinking about something and we are not completely sure of the answer.
If you were the owner of a business and one of your workers stole something from the business, would you give them a second chance, or would you dismiss them at once?
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If I were the owner of a business and one of my workers stole something from the business, I'd dismiss them at once
Why would you dismiss them at once?
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Because if he stole something once he could do that again
Many years ago, did humans have to hunt animals for food?
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Yes, many years ago, humans have to hunt animals for food
Why should we judge a person by his deeds more than by his words?
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We should judge a person by his deeds more than by his words because it's easier to say things than to do them.
What do we use grease for?
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We use grease to make the different parts of a machine move smoothly
What do we use a pair of scissors for?
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We use a pair of scissors for cutting paper, etc.
If you were in a bus going downhill and the driver suddenly lost control of the bus what would you do?
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If I were in the bus going downhill and the driver suddenly lost control of the bus I'd try to take control of the bus
What might happen if you didn't pay your electricity bill when it was due?
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If I didn't pay my electricity bill when it was due, they might come and cut the electricity off.
When are you due to come here again?
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I'm due to come here again tomorrow.
Why don't trains always arrive when they are due?
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Trains don't always arrive when they are due because of bad weather breakdowns etc.
When a person is rich, do you think it's due to the fact that they are more intelligent than most other people, or do you think it's mainly due to luck?
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When a person is rich I think it's both intelligent and luck
Were your grandmothers both born in the same country as you?
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Yes, my grandmothers were both born in the same country as me.
What do we call our grandfather's father?
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We call our grandfather's father our great-grandfather.
Are the people in this country mostly tea drinkers or coffee drinkers?
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The people in this country are mostly coffee drinkers.
Do you think that passing exams is mostly a question of luck?
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No, I don't think that passing exams is mostly a question of luck.
Do you think your language is totally different from English?
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Yes, I think my language is totally different from English.
If a friend of yours is wearing clothes that look totally wrong on them, do you tell them?
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Yes, if a friend of mine is wearing clothes that look totally wrong on them, I tell them.
What does the idiom "Let Yourself Go" mean?
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Tje idiom "Let Yourself Go" means relax and enjoy yourself.
Give me an example, please (Let Yourself Go)
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If you relax a little and Let Yourself Go, you feel happier

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