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to sail all the way around something
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to test or examine someone or something to discover if there is anything wrong with him, her, or it
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able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous:
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very shocked or surprised
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original and pure; not spoiled or worn from use
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a piece of wood, plastic, stone, etc. that has been made into a particular shape to decorate the top or bottom of a wall, or a door, window, or piece of furniture
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to put down or drop something in a careless way
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a small hard ball or tube-shaped piece of any substance
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a regular sound of something hitting something else or of a loud noise
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to make something dirty, especially with solid waste
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to (cause something to) become blocked or filled so that movement or activity is difficult
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(of a liquid) to move around noisily in the bottom of a container, or to cause liquid to move around in this way by making rough movements
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to cover a place or thing with a large amount of water
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broken or torn pieces of something larger
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to move quickly with a twisting, circular movement, or to make something do this
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impose something on somebody inizia ad imparare
to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received
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made to be destroyed after us
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made to be destroyed after us
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waste material or unwanted things that you throw away
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small pieces of rubbish that have been left lying on the ground in public places
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an unnecessary or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy, abilities, etc.