Lesson 09.11.19

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Czy lubisz gdy ktoś Ci radzi?
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Do you like it when someone advises you?
Do upieczenia ciasta potrzebuję mąkę, jajka, mleko, proszek do pieczenia, kakao.
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To bake a cake I need flour, eggs, milk, baking powder, cocoa.
Ja wkładam ciasto do formy i do piekarnika.
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I put the cake in the form and in the oven.
Doniczka na kwiaty
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Flower pot/ box
Na balkonie
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On the balcony
Truskawki, maliny i inne jagody.
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Strawberries, raspberries and other berries.
Pomidory, ogórki
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Tomatoes, cucumbers
Maszyna do trawy
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Grass machine
Jadę do sklepu kupić mięso, makaron, ryż, sałatę.
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I go to the shop to buy meat, pasta, rice, lettuce.
Widzę samolot na niebie.
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I can see the plane in the sky.
Przyzwyczaiłem się do tego.
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I got used to it.
Dania tradycyjne
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Traditional dishes
Musaka to jest grecka potrawa z warzyw i z mięsa.
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Moussaka is a Greek vegetable and meat dish.
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Zrobione z anyżu
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Made from anise
Muzyka jest wesoła i skoczna.
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The music is cheerful and lively.
Miasta, wyspy, obszary
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Cities, islands, areas
Ja zjadłam dwie kanapki na śniadanie.
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I ate two sandwiches for breakfast.
Ty zjadłaś/ ty nie zjadłaś
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You ate / you didn't eat it

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