Lesson 07.04 - Twins

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Domanda English Risposta English
to look at sb quickly so that nobody sees you looking
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to steal a glance
Jorge and William steal glances at each other.
an illness, typically a minor one / dolegliwość
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an ailment
Carlos and Wilber had long lists of various types of pains and aches and other ailments. Jorge and William had no medical complaints whatsover.
to make sth happen / spowodować, doprowadzić do
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to prompt
As a researcher, obviously you've been fascinated by how the bonds of genetic connection might prompt similarities.
strong hostility, dislike, opposition or anger / animozja, złość, uraza
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The loyalty between fraternal brothers is there, but at the same time the twins will tell you that there is disagreement, there is animosity, there is friction.
annoying, irritating / drażniący, irytujący
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They even did this to me (giggling) once on a TV set, which was really irking the producers.
the fact that sb likes sth particular / a predisposition towards a particular thing / upodobanie
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The environments we find ourselves in are themselves shaped by the proclivities and propensities that are encoded in our genes.
a tendency to behave in a particular way / skłonność
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The environments we find ourselves in are themselves shaped by the proclivities and propensities that are encoded in our genes.
unable to be separated, freed or escaped from / nierozerwalnie
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Especially when it comes to human behavior, nature and nurture really are inextricably linked.

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