Lesson - 06.09.2022

 0    16 schede    jessehandley
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I had an accident.
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it was my fault
I was in an accident
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it was not my fault
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upheaval = a violent or sudden change or disruption to something
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przewrót = gwałtowna lub nagła zmiana lub zakłócenie czegoś
ramp up
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increase something quickly
remove from power
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usunąć od władzy
family duties
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obowiązki rodzinne
house chores
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obowiązki domowe
he who hesitates is lost
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ten, kto się waha, jest zgubiony
fools tread where angels fear to follow
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stąpają tam, gdzie aniołowie boją się podążać za nimi
that's not the way it works
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to nie tak to działa
it's not what you think
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to nie to co myślisz
waste of time
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strata czasu
caste system
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system kastowy
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written in stone
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napisane w kamieniu

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