Lekcja 9

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Domanda English Risposta English
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a level playing field
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równe szanse, fair and equal chance of succeeding
set your sights on something
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when you decide that you want it and try hard to get it
par for the course
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what is normal or expected in any given circumstances
pull punches
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be less forceful, severe, or violent than one could be
the ball is in your court
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it is up to you to make the next move
move the goalposts
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to change the rules while someone is trying to do something in order to make it more difficult for them
below the belt
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disregarding the rules; unfair
keep your head above water
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to just be able to manage, especially when you have financial difficulties
touch base
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briefly make or renew contact with someone
rise to the bait
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react to a provocation or temptation exactly as intended

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