Lekcja 4

 0    11 schede    kmarkiewicz365
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I'm going to wash my hands
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zamierzam umyć ręce
she's going to wash her hands
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ona umyje ręce
We're going to wash our hands
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Umyjemy ręce
he's going to wash his hands
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zamierza umyć ręce
they're going to wash their hands
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zamierzają umyć ręce
Are you going to wash your hands
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Zamierzasz umyć ręce
I saw Liz with her husband Philip
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Widziałem Liz z mężem Filipem
I saw Ann and Ted with their children
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Widziałem Ann i Teda z ich dziećmi
I saw Ted with his wife Ann
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Widziałem Teda z żoną Ann
I saw George with your brother Bill
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Widziałem George'a z twoim bratem Billem
I saw Ann with her parents
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Widziałem Ann z rodzicami

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