Lekcja 29/04

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What on earth is all that clobber you're wearing? You look like a walking jumble sale!
dać nura
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take a flip
The young pilot was dying to take a flip in the new aircraft.
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They must have thought that you were a real clot coming out with an idiotic answer like that!
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There was a real flap in the underground as a suspected terrorist tried to jump the barrier.
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I don't think that your wife will be very impressed with that cock-eyed chair that you've made her!
bardzo zmęczony
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fed up with
I'm fed up with kicking my heels waiting for them to turn up so I'm off.
przestać działać
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conked out
The car had performed brilliantly for thousands of miles but finally conked out within sight of the finish.
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Those fifty quid notes were duds not worth a penny!
dać plamę/wyjść na mięczaka
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to come a cropper
The athlete was so exhausted that he came a real cropper when attempting to leap the last hurdle.
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The nightclub was a real dive: the sort of place where you hesitate to sit down.
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She was not impressed by her son's crummy lodgings where it was difficult even to walk across the room without falling over books dirty plates or empty cans of beer.
lenić się
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Don't dilly-dally boys! We've got to walk many miles before camping tonight.
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The old boy's got a dicky heart and I don't think that he's long for this world.
ciepła posadka
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cushy job
The job was a really cushy number and the young man was delighted to have landed it.
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Driving the old car was rather dicey especially on the bends where the steering was most unreliable.
bagażnik rowerowy
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bicycle carrier
zorza polarna
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northern lights

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