Lekcja 2 -

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Domanda Risposta
inizia ad imparare
an exorbitant amount
inizia ad imparare
amongst [preposition]
inizia ad imparare
amongst [preposition] in inglese
wśród [przyimek]
in a group things, usually more than two
novel [noun]
inizia ad imparare
powieść [rzeczownik]
a long printed story about imaginary characters and events
shortage [noun]
inizia ad imparare
niedobór [rzeczownik]
lack, an insufficient amount of
inizia ad imparare
proactively [adverb]
inizia ad imparare
proaktywnie [przysłówek]
by taking action to control a situation
reactively [adverb]
inizia ad imparare
reaktywnie [przysłówek]
by reacting to events or situations
determination [noun]
inizia ad imparare
determinacja [rzeczownik]
the ability to continue trying to do something, even if it is difficult

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