Lekcja 13 Clothes crisis - kryzys ubraniowy - zdania

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How are you doing?
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Jak leci?
I have a problem.
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Mam problem.
You’ll love it!
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Spodoba Ci się!
I’m having a clothes crisis.
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Mam kryzys ubraniowy.
I really have nothing to wear.
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Naprawdę nie mam w co się ubrać.
I’ve got an idea.
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Mam pomysł.
Let’s do that!
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Zróbmy to!
How much is this suit?
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Ile kosztuje ten garnitur?
How much are these trousers?
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Ile kosztują te spodnie?
What are you wearing?
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W co się ubierasz?
Why don’t you wear your new white trousers?
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A może ubierzesz swoje nowe białe spodnie?
How about the black suit?
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A co powiesz na czarny garnitur?

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