Lekcja 12 (stopniowanie przymiotników

 0    15 schede    matyldaleja
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Domanda Risposta
How often do you eat soup?
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Jak często jesz zupę?
When does he go to school?
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Kiedy on idzie do szkoły?
How do you cook pizza?
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Jak gotujesz pizzę?
When did you see Matilda?
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Kiedy widziałeś Matildę?
How does she brush her teeth?
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Jak myje zęby?
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in front of her fireplace
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przed jej kominkiem
Matilda is bigger than her cat.
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Matylda jest większa niż jej kot.
good, better, the best
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dobry lepszy Najlepszy
fast, faster, the fastest
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szybko, szybciej, najszybciej
These teachers
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Ci nauczyciele
pretty (stopionowanie)
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prettier, the pretiest
long (stopniowanie)
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longer, the longest
beautiful (stopniowanie)
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more beautiful, the most beautiful

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