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Risposta |
dręczony bólem fizycznym lub psychicznym inizia ad imparare
spadek, spuścizna, dziedzictwo inizia ad imparare
What kind of legacy do I want to leave to my children?
zeznania (świadka w sądzie), świadectwo, dowód inizia ad imparare
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świta, osoby towarzyszące inizia ad imparare
He left the castle without his entourage
ponieść, ponosić (np. koszty, odpowiedzialność) inizia ad imparare
My phone is no longer under warranty. I have to bear the costs of the repair myself.
nie ustępować, upierać się inizia ad imparare
If the pain persists, call the nurse.
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In the past, this abundance of fish has caused us problems with Morocco.
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She has amassed a huge fortune from her novels.
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affluence, wealth Europe's diversity and richness mean that it is still the world's most popular tourist destination.
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wealthy, affluent, rich
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We strive to make our customers happy. He strives for success.
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wzniosły, podniosłe (myśli, słowa), podniesiony inizia ad imparare
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jak mówią, podobno, rzekomo, według doniesień inizia ad imparare
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People are fed up with him laying down the law the whole time.
zarekomendować kogoś, wstawić się za kimś inizia ad imparare
put in a good word for someone
nalegać na kogoś, urabiać kogoś inizia ad imparare
I had to twist her arm because she didn't want to go with me to the party.
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wysoko postawieni przyjaciele inizia ad imparare
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rządzić się, panoszyć się, szarogęsić się inizia ad imparare
throw one's weight around Why don't you throw your weight about a bit?"
być na czyjeś każde zawołanie inizia ad imparare
be on someone's beck and call You can't always be at your children's beck and call.
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owinąć kogoś wokół małego palca inizia ad imparare
twist someone around little finger She has always been able to twist her parents around her little finger.
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take advantage of somebody He's taking advantage of his friends.
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She's always trying to pass the buck and I'm sick of it!
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You're the boss here – you get to call the shots.
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He's very competent at his job.
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The disease is very contagious.
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zwiększać, poprawiać, wzmacniać inizia ad imparare
Now he's building a big factory which will enhance the village.
natknąć się na coś przez przypadek inizia ad imparare
przypisywać coś do czegoś inizia ad imparare
attribute something to somebody
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przeprowadzać, prowadzić np eksperyment inizia ad imparare
ustalać, określać (np. fakty, przyczyny) inizia ad imparare
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He was zapped by an electric jolt.
uzyskiwać, wydobywać (np. źródła energii, wodę) inizia ad imparare
Our company taps natural resources.