lekcja 1

 0    19 schede    chmurka1997
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Domanda Risposta
it is raining
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pada deszcz
it's cold
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jest zimno
it's two degrees Celcius
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są dwa stopnie Celsjusza
it's three a.m.
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jest trzecia w nocy
it's warm
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jest ciepło
it's freezing
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jest lodowato
It's two hundred meters from here
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To dwieście metrów stąd
it's windy
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jest wietrznie
it's snowing
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pada śnieg
it's beautiful here
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tu jest pięknie
It's dangerous to walk alone at night
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Samotne chodzenie w nocy jest niebezpieczne
It's important to always tell the truth
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Ważne jest, aby zawsze mówić prawdę
It's funny seeing them together
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To zabawne widzieć ich razem
It's nice to breathe fresh air
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Miło jest oddychać świeżym powietrzem
It's strange that he was there with her.
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To dziwne, że był tam z nią.
It's funny to listen to his lies
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Zabawnie jest słuchać jego kłamstw
it's foggy
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jest mgliście
it's cloudy
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jest pochmurnie
it's sunny
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jest słonecznie

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