Lecture 16, 18, 20

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Domanda język polski Risposta język polski
Quick sort uses which of the following algorithm to implement sorting?
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divide and conquer
What is a randomized quick sort?
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quick sort with random choice of pivot
What is the auxiliary space complexity of randomized quick sort?
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O(log n)
What is the average time complexity of randomized quick sort?
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O(n log n)
Randomized quick sort is an in place sort.
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Randomized quick sort is a stable sort.
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What is the best case time complexity randomized quick sort?
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O(nlog n)
Which of the following is incorrect about randomized quicksort?
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it cannot have a time complexity of O(n^2) in any case
What is the worst case time complexity of randomized quicksort?
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Using division method, in a given hash table of size 157, the key of value 172 be placed at position ____
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Collisions can be reduced by choosing a hash function randomly in a way that is independent of the keys that are actually to be stored
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What is the average retrieval time when n keys hash to the same slot?
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What is a hash table?
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A data structure used to store key-value pairs
How does a hash table work?
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It uses a hash function to map keys to array indices
What is the time complexity of inserting an element in a hash table?
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What is the worst-case time complexity of searching for an element in a hash table?
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What happens if two keys hash to the same index in a hash table?
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A collision occurs
Depth First Search is equivalent to which of the traversal in the Binary Trees?
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Pre-order Traversal
Time Complexity of DFS is? (V – number of vertices, E – number of edges)
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O(V + E)
The Data structure used in standard implementation of Breadth First Search is?
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The Depth First Search traversal of a graph will result into?
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When the Depth First Search of a graph is unique?
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When the graph is a Linked List
In Depth First Search, how many times a node is visited?
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Equivalent to number of indegree of the node

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