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die down
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dimmish in intensity (ucichac)
die off/out
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become extinct
disagree with
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cause to fell sick due to food or drink
do away with
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abolish (zniesc np. ustawe)
do over
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do without
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manage without something one wants or needs
draw up
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create (a contract)
dress down
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dress casually
dress up
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wear elegant clothes
drive back
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drop out
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quit an organized activity
drop out of
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quit an organized activity (school)
eat up
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eat in
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eat in the home
eat out
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eat outside the home
face up to
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acknoweledge sth difficult or embarrassing (zmierzyc sie z czyms)
fall behind
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go slower then sheduled
fall out with
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have an argument with
fall through
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fail to happen
figure out
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solve sth understand
fill out
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complete (an application)
find out
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get across
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cause to be understood
get along with
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have a good relationship
get around
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avoid sb or sth / go many places
get away with
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do sth aganist the rules or illegal and not get caught or punished
get down to
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get serious about the topic
fill in
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